Research in palliative care and quality of life

Recognition of the palliative phase and provided care: a mixed-method study

Susanne Claessen, MD
Michael A. Echteld, PhD
Prof. Luc Deliens, PhD
Prof Anneke Francke, PhD

Aim of this study is to gain insight into the palliative care trajectory in primary care. More specifically, the project focuses on early recognition of palliative needs in primary care: how much time before patients’ death are palliative care needs recognized in primary care? Which factors contribute to early recognition of palliative care needs? Are there differences between cancer and noncancer patients with respect to early recognition of palliative care needs? How do primary care physicians recognise the palliative phase and which barriers and facilitators do they identify for the early recognition of palliative care needs?
Various methods are employed to answer these research questions: data on the care up to three months before death are collected through the general practitioners (GPs) connected to the national network of sentinel GPs. In a representative sample of GPs, a questionnaire survey was conducted. Lastly open interviews will be conducted with GPs.