Research in health and quality of life

Michael Echteld

Michael Echteld

Michael Echteld is psychologist and senior researcher in the department of Intellectual Disability Medicine, Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Click here for an overview of his projects.

Other professional experience:

Awards and grants

Click here for an overview of awards and grants.

Research interests

Michael is interested in all the projects he is involved in (which is not always obvious!), and also in the following topics:

(Individual) quality of life
The most important outcome for palliative care, and basically the stuff everyone wants. I'm interested in the development of the concept and instruments measuring QOL and its components. Read on...

Response shift and coping

Response shift is the patients' changes in internal standards, values, or conceptualization of their quality of life, and is a phenomenon explaining why patients' QOL may remain stable or even improve in light of deteriorating physical condition. Response shift is highly interesting for palliative care, because it may be employed in helping patients adapt to their situation better. The concept was developed by Miriam Sprangers and Carolyn Schwarts. Click here for a reference to a publication. Looking at coping in general may be a related interesting way of investigating adaptation.

Instrument development
Not the sexiest topic in the world but nevertheless very important: development of practical instruments for reliable and valid measurement of relevant outcomes. An important source of information for the description and definition of psychometric characteristics is COSMIN.

Development of palliative care in patients with intellectual disabilities
Little is known about palliative care needs in patients with intellectual disabilities and the barriers to provision of high-quality palliative care.


Click here for a list of selected publications.

Significant others

None of Michael's work is possible without his partner Monica and kids Declan and Caitlin.